In 2005 whilst on our way to Malaysia to attend a christian Prophetic training school with Dr Jonathan David, myself and my wife Marlene,  met a Pastor from Sierra Leone at the airport. We travelled some three hours in the same taxi to our final destination; Muar, Malaysia, where we would spend the next two weeks. We spent whatever time we could with this dear brother and mighty man of God who walks in such a humble spirit - his name, Pastor Olubumie Syl-Macfoy, Senior Pastor of Destiny International Worship Centre, Freetown, Sierra Leone. God sovereignly moved to connect our hearts. Since that moment in May 2005, God has inextricably and irrevocably connected our hearts in Covenant. We have laboured together, ministered together, shared each other's homes and families and churches. Two charity events have been put on to raise resources for the school that the church has planted in Makeni, Sierra Leone. 

Resources such as clothing, shoes and essential stationary for the schooling of the children have all been donated and sent. in addition we have laboured to help fund the teachers also. In December of 2011. after six years of being connected with Pastor Macfoy, I was able to visit the beautiful nation of Sierra Leone and truly my heart was cleaved to a nation I had not been to and a people I have never met. This time in the nation with my brother fueled in me an even greater passion and desire to see the Kingdom of God manifest in this amazing nation.
Over the coming weeks I will be updating the site with details of how you can help and support DIWC and the school in Makeni through donations and contributions, that will go a long way in helping to complete the centre in Freetown and the school in Makeni. I am aware that there are many demands in this current climate, 

but whatever you can spare or donate will go a long way to support a great cause and ministry in Sierra Leone and will continue to enable the education of the children in Makeni, Sierra Leone.

For more information on this missions update; email me on

DIWC is Destiny International Worship Centre, the ministry founded by Pastor Macfoy, a cutting edge ministry that is powerfully reaching the region of Sierra Leone, With two other churches in the region Pastor Macfoy and his anointed wife Pastor Ella Syl-Macfoy have laboured and with a God given vision started the Christian school in Makeni. See Ps Macfoy on facebook Olubumie Syl-Macfoy


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